Manage Stocks

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Manage Stocks

Manage Stocks is the "Add Once, Use Anywhere" kind-of screen. You could find a button like this wherever you can choose the company / stock, click on the button "Manage Stocks" will be shown to you as below.


You can add any number of your favorite stocks or the stocks that you might trade in future in to the "My Stocks" List, which you could use them while buying / selling stocks or while searching your transactions etc.,

Exchange - Choose the exchange from which you want to search / select  the company.

Company Name - Start typing the Company Name / Symbol of the stock in this field, Money Manager auto suggests the company name based on the information that you typed.

My Stocks - This is List Box which contains all the stocks that you intend to use using Money Manager. You choose any no of stocks as "My Stocks" and use them anywhere inside Money Manager.

How to add Stocks to My Stocks:

It's very simple. Start typing Company Name / Symbol of the stock, Money Manager auto suggests the company name. The moment you choose / select the record from the Auto Suggestion, The Company would automatically adds to your "My Stocks" List.

Once you are done with all your changes, Click on "Save Changes".

How to remove Stocks from My Stocks List:

It's also very simple. Money Manager provides the best User Interface to manage your stocks better. Money Manager will provide extra options via context menus wherever applicable.

Right Click on the "My Stocks" List box to explore more options. You could something like below


Clear Selection - Clears your selection, will be useful to un-select the records.

Remove Selected Stocks - Removes the selected stocks from your "My Stocks" List.

Remove All Stocks - Removes all the stocks from your "My Stocks" List.

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